Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Base of Beep Doup Bop

Music has been my love for years now. Since I was a little girl I remember asking my parents to buy me a boom box for my birthday, and everyday since then there has not gone a day in which I have not tuned into the radio to listen to music. Most little kids get up in the morning to watch cartoons and go to sleep with a bedtime story. Well good thing I was not like most little kids.
The artisit who influenced me the most in my childhood was Christina Augilera. There was something about that voice of hers that makes me want to keep listing to more and more, and Christina never fails me in varying her music syles. 
Yet just because I am a big fan of Christina's does not mean I am one of those teens that only listens to whats on the top charts. Pop, rap, R&B that is the base of what is most popular around my friends and the people at school yet true music lovers open their ears and listen to what has a good beat, lyrics and such. The only type of music that will definatley not be found on my blog would be hevy metal rock. That would be unjust of me simply because I just have no ear for such music.

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